Savio Tran Ngoc Tuyen





Savio Tran

 Ngoc Tuyen


My name is Savio. Back in 1956 it was my dream to become a member of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God. I liked the spirituality of the Order because it was modest and witnessed to the value of earthly and eternal life. Some my friends had introduced me to the Order and told me that it took care of people without any kind of discrimination. Enthused by these words I went and enquired about the Order. What I learned about its spirituality and range of charitable activities brought me to seek acceptance and, eventually, solemn profession. For the next 56 years I have been a member of the Order. During that time I was ordained a Hospitaller priest and that has enabled me to live my Hospitaller Vocation at a level that is enjoyed by those Brothers who are ordained for the sacramental service of the Community and those whom we serve in their different needs. The various offices in the Order that I have held in those 56 years have taken me to places outside Vietnam so I have seen something of the wonderful panorama of Hospitality that the Brothers and Co-workers of the Order animate and support throughout the world. 


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