Anthony Nguyen Ngoc Hoang





Anthony Nguyen

Ngoc Hoang


My name is Anthony and I am thirty years old at the time of writing this testimony. I come from a family of eight – my parents and six boys. My call to religious life and the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God was unexpected. I have an aunt who is a religious Sister and she desired very strongly that I would be called to take on the Consecrated Life. She prayed that I would receive a vocation so she was very happy when I enter the Order. During my early formation I learned that what my aunt told me is true. At first the newly entered person thinks a lot about themselves and what they want to achieve. Then, as the person becomes more prayerful and more attuned to the presence of God in their life and in creation he becomes committed to the unfolding of the plan and the will of God. We know that that is that everyone “has life and has it more abundantly”. I have been a Brother for eight years. I feel that God has given me a special grace to love and practice Hospitality. I feel happy and fulfilled in living the Hospitaller Vocation and in being a force for good in the lives of poor and sick people. My constant aim is to live a life that responds to the grace that God has given me. 


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