Aitziber Cantera y Victor Ros





Aitziber Cantera

y Victor Ros


Experiencing the mission in Bolivia with the Brothers of St John of God was perhaps the most beautiful gift that God has given us, and we knew that it would entail a before and an after in our relationship. And indeed it left a footprint and as a result we planned our life project differently thereafter.

The best gift was our experience with the children. Enjoying their joy, affection and thanks for everything we did, we woke up every morning looking forward to seeing them. These little ones taught us that there are no bounds to communication. It was fantastic to see that we managed to understand one another better as every day passed, simply by making ourselves available to them without expecting them to communicate with us.

We left with so many emotions, sentiments and lessons of life that we had learned there. Our testimony was based on sharing. The fact that we were able to know such wonderful people, creating a magnificent group with whom to reflect on our daily experiences, living the value of Hospitality with the Brothers, truly from within, in their house, and being able to share all this as a couple, was something for which we will never tire of expressing our THANKS.

We THANK you, God, for having used us for Your project of love, for having placed delightful people in our path, with whom we were able to see You with total clarity, and we thank all these people for having shared their time, their joy and their lives with us. Let us continue to bring salt and light to life!  


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