Ines Acosta Gomez





Ines Acosta Gómez


We have always lived closely linked to the Church. A life based on faith, I have sought happiness though the various charisms which the Lord proposes to us. In all things we have tried to experience the closeness of the Lord, through prayer, work and self-giving. And yet it has been Hospitality embodied in the Brothers of St John of God which has brought as more fully to appreciate the meaning of the Word.

In a Church that seems to be closing itself off to the world and to worldly needs, the Brothers have always been an open door to live differently, to be a Christian in the depths of one’s being and at the same time in the simplest things: welcoming, embracing and helping those in greatest need.

Following the Brothers’ example of handling people, particularly the sick, we have had a benchmark that has enabled us to go on believing in a Church close at hand, in a living Christ in which the love of God can become flesh and blood for each one of us.

Hospitality as kept us united with the Church and helped us to walk forward, placing ourselves at the service of the Lord by reaching out in welcome, and serving through our little domestic Church. We are not able to offer much, but we must never be lost for a kind word, a hug or a smile for the world. 


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