Maria Teresa Maia Gonzalez Menano Costa





Maria T. Maia Gonzalez Menano Costa


2014 marks my fifteenth year of service as a volunteer at the Saint Joseph Psychiatric Clinic in Lisbon. This facility is run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and is imbued with their specific (and very strong) charism, which struck me deeply from the start. 

A long time ago, I had the grace of discovering that in this world it’s hard to find something that is stronger than the heart of a volunteer, because in it dwells the Heart of Jesus, who gave Himself for every one of us and identifies especially with the suffering and with caregivers, whom he assists. 

The needs of the mentally and physically challenged are catered to by this healthcare facility and by the service that I have the privilege of providing and for which I feel ever so grateful.

Every week, my heart is strengthened by the example given by the Hospitaller Sisters, with whom I have learned that, if you want to be happy, it isn’t enough for you to give – you have to give yourself.

Every week there’s a sick brother who teaches me to love better. 

Every week the tree planted in my heart on the day I first arrived at this center grows and bears new fruits that greatly enrich my life.

Those who love are attentive. The hospitaller volunteer tries especially to follow in the footsteps of the Good Samaritan, helping people who suffer: looking (with eyes that see), approaching (unbiased), listening (carefully), reaching out (gratuitously) and communicating with the language of universal love - a smile. 


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