María Pía Torra





María Pía Torra


My job is to liaise with the professionals, administrators and patients, which gives me high degree of pleasure and satisfaction by enabling me to relate to all the sectors in the hospital, providing information, support and helping to solve their doubts and questions.

I am the Clinical History and General Archive supervisor responsible for coordinating the work within my sector and communicating with the various other areas involved. 

We are responsible for supplying everyone with the information they need, whether relating to clinical history, or a study, or a document, in short, everything that is requested of us to solve problems and doubts.

The best way to exercise my vocation to the full is by communication, dialogue and exchanging ideas between the people involved in the sector and the institution in general, creating a good working atmosphere between all concerned, enabling us, democratically, to find and implement the most effective solutions to the issues that arise during the day, achieving the best results and fostering growth. 


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