Maria Alexandra F. A. Trocado





Maria Alexandra F. A. Trocado


The word vocation has always intrigued me, I can never really say what it means to me; I know for sure that, for many years, it meant taking care of my family and working in the art world.

Building, building and building a marriage and a happy family according to Christian values.

I can say that I’ve always felt very privileged. My life has been filled with good things and I have much to thank the Lord for: that is why I began to feel somewhat uneasy, because I did little for others.

At one point, when I was part of a group of prayer and Christian journey, we were challenged to do volunteer work, in the sense of practicing charity. This is how Father Ricardo challenged us: “We’ve talked enough about prayer! Now let’s get to work!”

I had various options; I’d heard about the Telhal house, and the Saint John of God Brothers in particular. Since this was the hardest kind of work for me, and the users of this facility were the neediest, I decided to put myself to the test and see if I was up to the task. Why not the «Telhal»?

Filled with fear, but accompanied by a brother and a friend, I began this new adventure in hospitality.

Five years have passed and I have to be honest: there are days when it’s hard for me to get started, but God works miracles, because in the simple gesture of standing by the side of these patients, there is a great mutual sharing of the love that God has to give to us all.

At the end of each day I always feel happy, richer, more human, and I can only thank those who took me there and those who welcome us at the Telhal house. 


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