Daniel Marquez Bocanegra






Marquez Bocanegra


To talk about my experience of hospitality I have to rewind my life history back 36 years when I was invited to join a youth group at a centre belonging to the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God in Chía, Colombia.

The Religious Life was not among my options at the time, but I was invited to “Come and see” (Jn 1,39) and there I discovered human vulnerability, and I came into direct contact with the world of pain and human suffering that led me to say YES without hesitation to change my “chip”, leaving behind everything to follow Jesus of Nazareth in the manner of St John of God along the path of Hospitality.

It has been 30 years since I made my first vows, and today I can bear witness to the fact that it has been worthwhile launching myself on this adventure which we call Hospitality. During the course of all these years I have been able to live and share share life in four countries–universality; I have had the possibility to serve the sick and the needy personally and indirectly, and I have spent the past 18 months updating myself, finding myself once again spiritually and charismatically in the Fundación Instituto San José in Madrid.

Hospitality is a dynamic project through which I wish to continue reaching out, accompanying, listening, consoling, serving joyfully, that is to say evangelising and making present the Kingdom of God in the world, for the sick, the poor and the needy of our age. 


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