Marta Kozakiewicz





Marta Kozakiewicz


My name is Marta Kozakiewicz and my adventure at the Fatebenefratelli Centre for Social Assistance of Łódź began on February 11, 2013. I found myself there by chance because of economic and family problems. At the Centre, I came across people of great generosity such as Anna, the Director, and Prior Paolo. Thanks to them, I have been able to give new meaning to my life and today my family and I are no longer going hungry as happened in the past.

Thanks to the goodness and the kindness that I encountered, I decided that I, too, wanted to help others, right here in this very place. Beforehand, I had been involved in other types of volunteer work, but never had I experienced the joy that I feel when working here, when I distribute meals, when I clean, when I collect food for the poor. Today, I can say without any hesitation at all that the Centre is for me a second home, a place where there are always people ready to help me, and where I hear the word “Thank you” and get a splendid smile whenever I am taking care of someone. It is definitely worthwhile to help Others. 


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